Greetings folks.
I made some new years resolution to the gregorian new year. In my expierience, the best way to achieve successes in personal goals is making commitments in public. Helped me in the past with giving up smoking, giving up meat-eating and practicing sport on a regular basis.
For all the good things are three, here are my three resolutions for this year:
I resolve to do one post or one article a week on this page with focus on pre-christian philosophy, stoicism and modern interpretation of european heritage. Putting more work in this page.
I resolved to read more books again in print. Not audiobooks, not digital books but oldschool paper. My reading quota has declined last year.
I resolved to get more into Qi Gung and Gung Fu practise again. The last year was good in performing sports, but the practice in martial arts had declined.
Well, let´s see how this year is going on.
I wish you all very best.